About Us
is a family-owned candy supply store in southwest Michigan. We are sisters, Cara Grib & Shawna Henry, following in the footsteps of the Original Candy Lady, Bettye Walker, who owned the store for 43 years. Our mission is to continue her tradition, providing the best candy supplies, education and inspiration to our community. Our selection of handmade sweets is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. Visit us, take a class, drop in and say hello. We look forward to meeting you!
The Original Candy Lady
Bettye Walker
Bettye Walker is just as sweet as the goodies she's been making in our area for the past 43 years. Her bright red sign, THE CANDY LADY, has been recognized by candy and cake makers for a long time. Throughout her career as an entrepreneur, candy and cake maker, and genuinely nice person, she has left a lasting impression on the community she worked and lives in.